Bidding on Real Estate Options

Auction Questions and Answers

What are questions and answers?

Each auction has a section called "Questions & Answers", where Investors can ask Brokers questions about their auction.

Can anyone ask questions?

Only Investors can ask questions. If you want to ask questions, become an Investor.

How do I ask a question?

On any auction page, scroll down to the "Questions & Answers" section, and click the "Ask Question" link. You'll be able to type a short question to the Broker.

Before you ask a question, read previous questions from other Investors, and make sure that your question hasn't already been answered.

When will I get an answer to my question?

It's up to the Broker. If the Broker answers your question, you'll receive an email with his or her answer. Additionally, the Broker can choose to post the question and answer on the auction page, so that it can be read by other Investors.

The Broker can also choose not to answer your question. If the Broker declines to answer your question, you will not receive any notification.

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